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Everything I Have Learnt From Feminists Online

The Consent Workshop Everything I Have Learnt From Feminists Online
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Stephanie C Odili is a feminist writer and author, whose work focuses on writing, speaking and advocating for gender equality, education, nation building, climate change and productive living. She has written over 200 articles and is now a top writer in feminism on Medium.

Womanhood surrounds what can be offered and controlled. In our world, womanhood is the absence of personhood.

– Ashley A Cummings.

I want to start by saying that I am deeply sorry for not attributing each of these lessons to individual people. I have been collecting these notes for about a year and lost track of who said what. But most importantly, I have grown from these words and I hope that you do too.

Here they are:

The word feminism itself was first coined in 1837 by a French philosopher, Charles Fourier (as féminisme). It originally referred to as “feminine qualities or character,” but that sense isn’t used anymore. Toward the end of the century, the word came to refer to equal rights for women and became inextricably linked to the suffragist movement.

Women are more disadvantaged than men in so many ways. That’s why there is feminism.Outside of the exceptions like women bodybuilders and Sigourney Weaver, women have less physical strength. We get paid less. Promoted less. Assaulted more. Raped more. Talked over. Abused more. Killed more.

Finally, if you fancy yourself a feminist, or if you fancy yourself an ally, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is and prove it.

Adapted from Medium